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时间:2016-12-16 浏览:9845次

 洛阳俯冲设备有限公司将参加于今年12月9日至11日在印度首都新德里举办的2016年第十四届印度ZAK国际玻璃工业展览会,我司的展位在7C馆,7BB4号。欢迎国内外的新老客户朋友莅临参观指导。 自2003年起,印度ZAK国际玻璃工业展览会已连续成功举办了十三届。印度的玻璃市场基本上还处于起步阶段。但从今年的展会显示,对玻璃产品、技术、设备需求热度非常高。目前,全国的平板玻璃生产线有8条、小规模的玻璃加工厂有200家左右,相对于其人口、面积和经济总量而言规模是很小的,换言之,潜力是巨大的。随着印度下一个五年10万亿美元投资规划的实施,基础建设将快速发展,从而带动玻璃行业的发展。从经济发展的关联角度分析,在时间上存在3年左右的滞后期,因此提前介入印度的玻璃市场,对于国内企业在印度玻璃市场的发展是十分有利的。 7C馆,7BB4号!真诚期待与您携手未来,我们与您不见不散。

Fuchong machinery company invite you to visit us at hall 7C, Booth No.7BB4, ZAK GLASS Technology exhibition in New Delhi. Since 2003, the India ZAK International glass industry exhibition has already consecutive hosted 13 times successfully. It is another outstanding show that is meant to tap the potential of the super growing glass industry in India. A show which not only presents opportunities to invest but also to see lucrative gains on the ROI, this event has emerged as one of the most important platforms across India and the whole of South Asia for the glass and glazing industry. The exhibitors of ZAK Glass Technology International will include the following, glass production technology, Raw materials, Glass melting technology, Forming for flat glass, Kiln technology, Technology for float, wired and other types of flat glasses, Coating technology and many more, Glass processing and finishing, Cutting, breaking and snapping technology, Drilling technology, Edge and surface finishing technology, Forming and bending technology, Electronic display glass technology and so on. We are looking forward to cooperating with you!!! Hall 7C, booth No. 7BB4! See you there!


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